Tuesday 2 February 2010

A big Thank You

It has taken me a while to get around to writing a blog, and the happy excuse is that I have been very busy.

However, my New Year's resolution to get myself much more organised has borne fruit, and here it it.  My first ever blog.

As Office Stuff was 5 years old last month, I thought perhaps I should start blogging by thanking those who have made this possible.

First on the list is my husband, Huw, who has been endlessly patient and has hardly ever complained when I have worked long into the night because I had a bee in my bonnet, or when dinner was late because I had to finish something; and who was mostly willing to listen when I ran a new idea past him.

Then comes the best ever ex-bank manager who referred clients to me in the early stages of Office Stuff, and helped me get the business up and running.

And my clients, old and new, who have provided much variety to my working life and made it such a pleasure.

And last, but never least, my Virtual Assistant colleagues at the Society of Virtual Assistants and latterly at the Virtual Assistant Support Group, whose support and words of wisdom helped immeasurably in Office Stuff's success.

Thank you all, so much.