Wednesday 16 February 2011

I'm Back!

I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted, but the dates are inescapable.

I'm pleased to say that the silence is due to being very busy during the summer months and into late autumn, coupled with bad weather and a nasty 9-week virus over Christmas and New Year. Since then I've been busy with various projects, not the least of which has been a complete overhaul of the website and the services provided by Office Stuff. 

You might think that I've been spending most of my time indoors, but a 4Networking group started up 'locally' (only an hour's drive away!) in November and I've been enjoying the fortnightly meetings and getting to know some very nice people.  I'm not too sure about the cooked breakfasts, but as I only eat the mushrooms, egg, bacon and the one slice of toast every fortnight, I'm not too worried!

Which rather brings me to the topic of this particular blog, which formed my first 4Sight presentation at my last 4Networking meeting, 'Being run over by a bus, and how to survive it'.  Also known as contingency planning... what would happen to your business, and your personal life, if you were run over by the proverbial bus?

The thought occurred as I was busily paying some household bills online, and it occurred to me that if I wasn't there, my husband wouldn't have a clue where to find anything.  And then I wondered about Office Stuff...

The outcome of all that deliberation was a 5 min presentation that provoked a good discussion and some interesting pointers.  With a light hand, because it is such a dry subject, I've produced the 'Office Stuff Guide to Contingency Planning, which you can obtain free of charge by signing up to the Office Stuff Newsletter from the web site.

I'm glad to be back in the swing of things, and I hope you enjoy the new web site.

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